Monday, May 18, 2020

Free WSOP Entry - How to Qualify For a World Series of Poker Entirely Free

Free WSOP Entry - How to Qualify For a World Series of Poker Entirely Free
The WSOP (World Series of Poker) is the world's best known and highest profile live Poker tournament. Played every year in Las Vegas since the inaugural event in 1970, first prize is in the multi-millions, and the event has become a major celebration and festival. The winner is crowned World Champion and as well as the prize money often becomes a highly sponsored celebrity.
The prizes are vast, so to gain a free WSOP entry opens you to the possibility of enormous winnings.
To enter the WSOP there are three ways, including some easy methods to gain a free WSOP entry:

Direct entry: Entering the WSOP directly involves a $10 000 entry fee. In addition to this you will need to budget $1000-$3000 for hotel, travel and subsistence fees. While expensive this option does at least allow you a guaranteed place so for many is a suitable choice

 Free WSOP entry via a qualifier: Most of the main Poker sites run qualifying tournaments for the WSOP. One of the best known, 888 Poker (formally known as Pacific Poker) offered 88 individual packages to the WSOP in 2010. The advantage of entering the WSOP this route is that the Poker site will generally pay all expenses, including travel and subsistence fees.

 Sponsorship: The major poker sites all offer sponsorship deals for preferred players. These deals provide a free WSOP entry to VIP players, high rollers, and to players that the site expects to do well. You don't have to play a lot to gain a free WSOP entry this way. If you think you are a strong enough Poker player just email the site, or even better, meet a promoter face to face and ask about sponsorship. It's amazing how often this can work.

Whichever of these methods you use, the WSOP is guaranteed to be a high adrenaline, action-packed event which will be an incredible experience. Gaining a free WSOP entrance as above makes it all the more special as someone else pays your fees.
Good Luck at the World Series. See you at the tables!


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